
#edchat #edtech #vitalcpd I recently decided to get creative with my resume and turn it into an infographic . While putting it together, it occurred to me that it could be fun to have students create their own version of an infographic resume at the beginning of the year to share information about themselves with the class as a cool new ice breaker or get-to-know-you activity. You could also assess students by having them put together infographics on whatever topic they’ve been studying! There are lots of great, free tools online that can help students create their infographics, and they can use software on the computer as well. In fact, after experimenting with creating an infographic online, I decided to put mine together using MS Publisher just because it gave me the freedom I needed to make things look the way I wanted. If you’re interested in creating infographics, check out some of these great online resources: (Of course, as always, be sure t...