
Showing posts from November, 2016

Augmented Reality - Breakout EDU mashup!

This past weekend, my teammate Tiah Frankish  and I attended the GAFE Summit  put on by the EdTechTeam and hosted by Boulder Valley School District in Colorado. We learned a ton of new things, and were re-invigorated when we returned to work on Monday. Two of the sessions we went to were especially fun, a Breakout EDU building session lead by Crystal Miller and Sarah Stuhr and another one on Augmented Reality by Micah Shippee . Of course, our minds started spinning - how could we hide a clue to a lock for a Breakout activity in an augmented reality image? We decided to hide numbers in a Dodecahedron pattern that would only be revealed when viewed through the Quiver App . You can see the result below: Ha! I didn't even notice the Tech & Learning magazine underneath.